Problematising environmental victimhood. The San Cristobal de las Casas case
This study explores the green criminological category of environmental victimhood in relation to the ‘environmental harm’ approach so as to offer insight into its underlying complexity. Understanding this complexity is key to shedding light on phenomena of hidden victimisation and tailoring remedial actions to meet victims’ needs. The main purpose of the environmental harm approach is to establish responsibility; however, it fails to account for the victims’ sometimes complex relations with the factors that are causing them harm. This study highlights such limits by discussing the case of Coca-Cola in San Cristobal de las Casas from a green criminological perspective, emphasising the need to holistically understand the process of victimisation. It then argues that the harm approach should encompass both the status of victim and the realm of remedies so as to provide adequate redress mechanisms. Restorative justice could be a valuable path in this regard.
Palabras clave:
Green Criminology, environmental victims, environmental harm, environmental degradation, human rights, right to water, corporate restorative justiceCitas
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- The authors received no financial support for the research, redaction of the manuscript or the publication of this article.
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