Vol. 22 Núm. 1 (2024)


Driving violations: the joint contribution of personality, anger, and passion

  • Carla Cardoso | Faculty of Law, University of Porto
  • Josefina Castro | CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto
  • Mariana Machado | CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto
  • Cândido da Agra | CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto




This study aims to explore the joint contribution of personality, driving anger, and passion in the prediction of driving violations. In addition, a profile of drivers more prone to commit driving violations was characterized. To achieve these ends, 569 drivers completed a self-report questionnaire. It was found that psychoticism, impulsivity, sensation-seeking, driving anger, and obsessive passion predicted driving violations. Moreover, the results demonstrated that driving anger and impulsivity mediated the effect of neuroticism on driving violations. Finally, it was observed that drivers with more driving violations were men, younger, had less driving experience, had more road accidents, and were responsible for more of them.

Palabras clave:

Driving violations, personality, driving anger, passion for driving


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Biografía del autor/a

Josefina Castro, CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto

Josefina Castro has a master´s degree in Criminology at University of Porto. She is Invited Lecturer in Criminology at Faculty of Law, University Lusíada-North (Portugal) and researcher at CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto and CEJEA-Center for Juridical, Economic and Environmental Studies, University Lusíada (Portugal). Her research interests and publications are on Criminology, in particular juvenile justice and delinquency, social control, security and crime prevention.

Mariana Machado, CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto

Mariana Sebastião Machado has a bachelor and master´s degree in Criminology at University of Porto. Currently is a PhD student and Invited Lecturer in Criminology at Faculty of Law, University of Porto. She is also a researcher at CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto. Her main research interests are in Criminology, in particular aggressive behavior, aggressive driving, and social information processing theory.

Cândido da Agra, CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto

Cândido da Agra is full Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Lusíada Norte University and Emeritus Professor at the University of Porto, and researcher at CEJEA-Center for Juridical, Economic and Environmental Studies, University Lusíada (Portugal) and CIJ- Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, University of Porto. He was the founder and director of the School of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Porto and former director of the Faculty of Law at University of Porto. His main research interests are in epistemology, history of criminology, and criminology.

Cómo citar

Cardoso, C., Castro, J., Machado, M., & da Agra, C. (2024). Driving violations: the joint contribution of personality, anger, and passion. Revista Española De Investigación Criminológica, 22(1), e906. https://doi.org/10.46381/reic.v22i1.906

Agencias de apoyo

  • Seleccionado:The Directorate-General of road traffic (DGV- Direcção Geral de Viação) gave financial support for the conduct of the empirical research, and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal)’ funding of CEJEA (2020-2023- UIDB/04053/2020) supported the preparation of the article.


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